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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I haven't posted in a while because it's finals week and every art project I have, I end up waiting until 10pm the night before and staying up all night in misery only to complete a mediocre piece of crap. So it's no surprise that I just started my final project this morning and it's due tomorrow. Anyway I am excusing myself from writing a decent post because

a) I've barely slept this week and I'm living off coffee and soda

and the more serious and life threatening reason:

b) I'M OUT OF CHOLULA. and I don't get paid until Friday (that stuff is expensive, I even used up the one I stole from that burrito place). So how can you blame me for how bad this post is? It's not even a real post.


Dave said...

Tut, tut. Me thinks its easiert to make excuses than to make progress? :-) - Dave