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Thursday, November 17, 2011

the kind of people i'm forced to have dinner next to

It's a rare occasion when my boyfriend and I go out to a restaurant and don't end up being seated next to the biggest freaks there.

So last night, we went out to a fish and chips place. It was 9pm and I thought no one would be there because who would want to eat fish and chips that late? Anyway I guess it's normal to serve other fried things, such as pickles (which are good), zingers (wtf???) and...TWINKIES. Yes, that's right. It doesn't just happen at Disney World (that's the fattest place on earth so I can only assume that they serve this) but fried twinkies are also served at the fish and chips place that's right by my house.

I guess I can accept the existence of fried twinkies (but honestly, it's pretty hard). However, I can not accept the existence of the monster/machine/female that was in that restaurant. Here's what she looked like before she got her fried twinkie:

Just a normal K-mart model. But then, things really blew up when she had to wait over 3 minutes for her fried twinkie...

And at that point we had to abandon our food and seek safety outside of her twinkie-less reach.